What is co-design?
Experience-based co-design is a methodology that enables teams to merge process with experience and clinical methods to co-create human-centered products, experiences, and solutions with patients, families, and care teams at the center.
Use this toolkit to develop your co-design skills and rewire how you and your teams approach change.
Toolkit + Exercises
Case studies
Understand how other organizations have operationalized and incorporated sco-design into their improvement efforts.
Co-design improved orthopaedic pathways
Use Co-Design Tools like Asking What Matters? To Understand Current State and Improve Outcomes

Tools at Work: Perception Mapping in Guatemala
Co-Design Tools like Perception Mapping are Applicable to Real Experiences: Learn How.

Co-Design in times of crisis
Why leaders must co-create change during COVID-19 to prevent systems and teams from breaking.